
“PAOLO SAVOJA” Orchestra City Band of Gerace.

“PAOLO SAVOJA” Orchestra City Band of Gerace.
It’s an orchestra band dedicated to the geracese musician of the ‘800: Paolo Savoja. It is composed by young and adults from Gerace but also from people living nearby. From among its members, we can remember young students from middle school “Cinque Martiri” who cooperate for ages. The orchestra band organizes free musical courses held by professional musicians of Gerace who carry out the teacher activity of music in the state school. There are several musical formations at its heart: the musical band directed by teacher Ascioti Cosimo and coordinated by teacher Giuseppe Macrì, the clarinet symphony directed by teacher Franco Barbara, the brass quintet and the trumpet smphony. The association was involved by the recordings of unknown pieces of the composer Geracese Paolo Savoja and the orchestra band has performed during several tv programmes in Italian channels.

Senocrito Academy

Academy of Music Leterature and Arts
Tribuna Palace
Timetables from Mon. to Fri.  18:00-20:00
Accauntable Bruno Pelle

Sapìri e Sapùri

Sapìri e Sapùri
L 'Association "Sapìri e Sapuri" was founded in 2014 to carry out activities in the local culture, tourism, gastronomy, the promotion of social solidarity, crafts and conviviality; to spread the culture of crafts, music, folk memories and ethnic; to promote farmers' crops, customs, traditional costumes and small handicrafts; to exploit the natural resources of the territory: Silkworm, broom, clay, food, wine, etc.
Via Zaleuco 6 89040 Gerace ( RC)
Cell. : 328.4177887

Facebook: Sapiri e Sapuri


Lgo. G.B. Chiappe


Via Cavour, 4
Tel. 0964/413329
Accauntable A. Tuzza R. Rinaldis


The Promocultura Association deals with the promotion of culture in all its forms through its various sections. It manages the following sites and It deals with entertainment, culture, exhibitions, artisanship, theater, archaeological research, guided tours of Gerace through TV broadcasters Promovideo TV, Promoradio TV, your Channel TV, Chatolika, and Promoradio Network 102,100 fm. It annually organizes "spring concerts", painting exhibitions, itinerant exhibitions to make known the monuments and churches of the locride, and in particular the city of Gerace where it has been operating since 1975. It promotes artisan and photographic exhibitions. Publish texts and movies that are familiar with Locride and Calabria throughout. It has a tourist information service (SIT) which provides free information and suggests itineraries to follow for knowledge of the territory. It is also a publishing house.
Via Largo Piana
Accountablele Salvatore Cataldo

Ass. Naz. Carabinieri in Congedo

Sez "Diego Saraceno"
Accauntable Giuseppe Zappia

Leggendo tra le righe

Leggendo tra le righe
Leggendo Tra Le Righe is a cultural association whose goal is "to make the cultural system", through the dissemination and promotion of culture in all its forms. Founded in 2014 by a group of friends, Leggendo Tra Le Righe wants to be a bridge between the books and all those who look for a cultural enrichment through the Knowledge in all its forms. The Association works to: - promote and spread the culture, - plan and implement conferences, book presentations, meetings with authors, theatrical and musical events, - perform activities of preservation of cultural heritage, encourage and support initiatives aimed at revival and enhancement of dialects, culture, traditions and folklore.

Cda Passo zita , 35 – 89040 Gerace (RC) tel 3205512778
Cf.90031120802 email

Ars Nova Onlus

Musical Band
Via Largo Piana
Tel. 0964/356703
Orari Merc. e Ven. 18:00-21:00
Accauntable Saverio Varacalli

Poliphonic Choir “Maria SS. Assunta”

Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta
Tel. 0964/356323
Lun. e Giov.
Time Tables 18:00-20,30
Loredana Pelle

Culture and Traditions for Territorial Development

C/da Zomino
Tel 347/7108381
Accountable Giuseppe Giocondo

Pro Loco of Gerace
Accountable Giovanni Rodi

A.S.D. Hierax

Football Association
Domenico Cataldo

Social Cooperative Aracne

Handicrafts textile production
Via Roma 1
Accountable Tina Macrì

Cooperativa Sociale All Services

Works for building, buildings, restructurings

Social Cooperative “Le Pleiadi”

Touristic services
Piazza Tribuna
Accountable Giovanni Rodi
